*** Settings *** Documentation Actions dans un tableau *** Keywords *** Click On Search Button [Tags] Click Element css=#adv-search-submit Page Should Not Contain Errors Click On Simple Search Button [Tags] Click Element css=div.tab-search form button Page Should Not Contain Errors Elements From Column Should Be [Tags] [Arguments] ${column} ${messagetext} Element Text Should Be css=td.col-${column} ${messagetext} Elements From Column Should Contain [Tags] [Arguments] ${column} ${messagetext} Element Should Contain css=td.col-${column} ${messagetext} Click On Link [Tags] [Arguments] ${link} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Click Link ${link} Sleep 1 Page Should Not Contain Errors Get Object In Tab [Tags] ${url} Get Location ${getParams} Fetch From Right ${url} obj= # on ne garde que ce qui est avant le premier "&" rencontré ${objInTab} ${otherGetParams} = Split String ${getParams} & 1 [Return] ${objInTab} Total Results Should Be Equal [Tags] [Arguments] ${totalAttendu} ${nombreResultats} = Get Total Results Should Be Equal As Integers ${nombreResultats} ${totalAttendu} Total Results In Tab Should Be Equal [Tags] [Arguments] ${totalAttendu} ${obj} ${nombreResultats} = Get Total Results In Tab ${obj} Should Be Equal As Integers ${nombreResultats} ${totalAttendu} Total Results In Subform Should Be Equal [Tags] [Arguments] ${totalAttendu} ${obj} ${nombreResultats} = Get Text css=#sousform-${obj} .tab-pagination .pagination-nb span.pagination-text ${nombreResultats} = Fetch From Right ${nombreResultats} sur Should Be Equal As Integers ${nombreResultats} ${totalAttendu} Get Total Results [Tags] ${objInTab} = Get Object In Tab ${nombreResultats} = Get Text css=#tab-${objInTab} .tab-pagination .pagination-nb span.pagination-text ${nombreResultats} = Fetch From Right ${nombreResultats} sur ${nombreResultats} = Convert to Integer ${nombreResultats} [Return] ${nombreResultats} Get Total Results In Tab [Tags] [Arguments] ${objInTab} ${nombreResultats} = Get Text css=#tab-${objInTab} .tab-pagination .pagination-nb span.pagination-text ${nombreResultats} = Fetch From Right ${nombreResultats} sur ${nombreResultats} = Convert to Integer ${nombreResultats} [Return] ${nombreResultats} Get Pagination Text [Tags] [Documentation] Permet de récupérer le nombre d'enregistrements par page. ${pagination_text} = Get Text css=div.tab-pagination div.pagination-nb span.pagination-text [return] ${pagination_text} Pagination Text Not Should Be [Tags] [Documentation] Permet de vérifier le nombre d'enregistrement d'une page. [Arguments] ${pagination_expected} ${pagination_text} = Get Pagination Text Should Not Be Equal ${pagination_text} ${pagination_expected} Tab Should Not Contain Add Button [Tags] Page Should Not Contain Element css=#action-tab-om_collectivite-corner-ajouter Use Simple Search [Tags] [Arguments] ${label_select} ${search_text} # On sélectionne le champ sur lequel faire la recherche simple Select From List By Label css=div.tab-search form select ${label_select} # On saisit le texte recherché Input Text css=div.tab-search form input ${search_text} # On clique sur le bouton "Recherche" Click On Simple Search Button L'action ajouter doit être disponible [Tags] Page Should Contain Element css=span.add-16 L'action ajouter ne doit pas être disponible [Tags] Page Should Not Contain Element css=span.add-16 Select Pagination [Tags] [Documentation] Permet de sélectionner une page du listing par la valeur. ... Dépend du nombre d'enregistrement par page. [Arguments] ${premier} # On sélectionne la page du listing Select From List By Value css=div.tab-pagination div.pagination-select select ${premier} # On vérifie qu'il n'y a pas d'erreur Page Should Not Contain Errors Valid Message Should Be In Tab [Tags] [Arguments] ${messagetext} Element Text Should Be css=.tab-message div.message.ui-state-valid p span.text ${messagetext} Valid Message Should Be In Subtab [Tags] [Arguments] ${messagetext} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Element Text Should Be css=.soustab-message div.message.ui-state-valid p span.text ${messagetext} Valid Message Should Contain In Tab [Tags] [Arguments] ${messagetext} Element Should Contain css=.tab-message div.message.ui-state-valid p span.text ${messagetext} Valid Message Should Contain In Subtab [Tags] [Arguments] ${messagetext} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Element Should Contain css=.soustab-message div.message.ui-state-valid p span.text ${messagetext}