*** Settings *** Documentation Actions sur un PDF visionné depuis Firefox. *** Keywords *** Open PDF [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox [Arguments] ${window} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Select Window ${window}.php Page Should Not Contain Errors Close PDF [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox Close Window Select Window Previous Page PDF [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Click Element css=#previous Next Page PDF [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Click Element css=#next PDF Page Number Should Contain [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox [Arguments] ${page_number} ${text} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL} Element Should Contain css=#pageContainer${page_number} ${text} PDF Page Number Should Not Contain [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox [Arguments] ${page_number} ${text} Element Should Not Contain css=#pageContainer${page_number} ${text} PDF Pages Number Should Be [Tags] [Documentation] Spécifique à la visionneuse de firefox [Arguments] ${total} ${over} = Convert to Integer ${total} ${over} = Evaluate ${over}+1 Page Should Contain Element css=#pageContainer${total} Page Should Not Contain Element css=#pageContainer${over}