4) return (((int)$hi)<<32) | ((int)$lo); $lo = sprintf("%u", $lo); if(function_exists("gmp_mul")) return gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_mul($hi, "4294967296"), $lo)); if(function_exists("bcmul")) return bcadd(bcmul($hi,"4294967296"), $lo); if(class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) { $bi = new Math_BigInteger($hi); return $bi->multiply("4294967296")->add($lo)->toString(); } throw new PListException("either gmp or bc has to be installed, or the Math_BigInteger has to be available!"); } protected function readBinaryInt($length) { if($length > 3) throw new PListException("Integer greater than 8 bytes: $length"); $nbytes = 1 << $length; $val = null; if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $nbytes; switch($length) { case 0: $val = unpack("C", $buff); $val = $val[1]; break; case 1: $val = unpack("n", $buff); $val = $val[1]; break; case 2: $val = unpack("N", $buff); $val = $val[1]; break; case 3: $words = unpack("Nhighword/Nlowword",$buff); $val = self::make64Int($words['highword'],$words['lowword']); break; } return new CFNumber($val); } protected function readBinaryReal($length) { if($length > 3) throw new PListException("Real greater than 8 bytes: $length"); $nbytes = 1 << $length; $val = null; if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content,$this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $nbytes; switch($length) { case 0: case 1: $x = $length + 1; throw new PListException("got {$x} byte float, must be an error!"); case 2: $val = unpack("f", strrev($buff)); $val = $val[1]; break; case 3: $val = unpack("d", strrev($buff)); $val = $val[1]; break; } return new CFNumber($val); } protected function readBinaryDate($length) { if($length > 3) throw new PListException("Date greater than 8 bytes: $length"); $nbytes = 1 << $length; $val = null; if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $nbytes; switch($length) { case 0: case 1: $x = $length + 1; throw new PListException("{$x} byte CFdate, error"); case 2: $val = unpack("f", strrev($buff)); $val = $val[1]; break; case 3: $val = unpack("d", strrev($buff)); $val = $val[1]; break; } return new CFDate($val,CFDate::TIMESTAMP_APPLE); } protected function readBinaryData($length) { if($length == 0) $buff = ""; else { $buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length); if(strlen($buff) != $length) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $length; } return new CFData($buff,false); } protected function readBinaryString($length) { if($length == 0) $buff = ""; else { if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length)) != $length) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $length; } if(!isset($this->uniqueTable[$buff])) $this->uniqueTable[$buff] = true; return new CFString($buff); } public static function convertCharset($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset='UTF-8') { if(function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) return mb_convert_encoding($string, $toCharset, $fromCharset); if(function_exists('iconv')) return iconv($fromCharset, $toCharset, $string); if(function_exists('recode_string')) return recode_string($fromCharset .'..'. $toCharset, $string); throw new PListException('neither iconv nor mbstring supported. how are we supposed to work on strings here?'); } public static function charsetStrlen($string,$charset="UTF-8") { if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) return mb_strlen($string, $charset); if(function_exists('iconv_strlen')) return iconv_strlen($string,$charset); throw new PListException('neither iconv nor mbstring supported. how are we supposed to work on strings here?'); } protected function readBinaryUnicodeString($length) { if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, 2*$length)) != 2*$length) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += 2 * $length; if(!isset($this->uniqueTable[$buff])) $this->uniqueTable[$buff] = true; return new CFString(self::convertCharset($buff, "UTF-16BE", "UTF-8")); } protected function readBinaryArray($length) { $ary = new CFArray(); if($length != 0) { if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize; $objects = unpack($this->objectRefSize == 1 ? "C*" : "n*", $buff); for($i=0;$i<$length;++$i) { $object = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($objects[$i+1]+1,$this->objectRefSize); $ary->add($object); } } return $ary; } protected function readBinaryDict($length) { $dict = new CFDictionary(); if($length != 0) { if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize; $keys = unpack(($this->objectRefSize == 1 ? "C*" : "n*"), $buff); if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize; $objects = unpack(($this->objectRefSize == 1 ? "C*" : "n*"), $buff); for($i=0;$i<$length;++$i) { $key = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($keys[$i+1]+1); $object = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($objects[$i+1]+1); $dict->add($key->getValue(),$object); } } return $dict; } function readBinaryObject() { if(strlen($buff = substr($this->content,$this->pos,1)) != 1) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->pos++; $object_length = unpack("C*", $buff); $object_length = $object_length[1] & 0xF; $buff = unpack("H*", $buff); $buff = $buff[1]; $object_type = substr($buff, 0, 1); if($object_type != "0" && $object_length == 15) { $object_length = $this->readBinaryObject($this->objectRefSize); $object_length = $object_length->getValue(); } $retval = null; switch($object_type) { case '0': $retval = $this->readBinaryNullType($object_length); break; case '1': $retval = $this->readBinaryInt($object_length); break; case '2': $retval = $this->readBinaryReal($object_length); break; case '3': $retval = $this->readBinaryDate($object_length); break; case '4': $retval = $this->readBinaryData($object_length); break; case '5': $retval = $this->readBinaryString($object_length); break; case '6': $retval = $this->readBinaryUnicodeString($object_length); break; case 'a': $retval = $this->readBinaryArray($object_length); break; case 'd': $retval = $this->readBinaryDict($object_length); break; } return $retval; } function readBinaryObjectAt($pos) { $this->pos = $this->offsets[$pos]; return $this->readBinaryObject(); } public function parseBinaryString() { $this->uniqueTable = Array(); $this->countObjects = 0; $this->stringSize = 0; $this->intSize = 0; $this->miscSize = 0; $this->objectRefs = 0; $this->writtenObjectCount = 0; $this->objectTable = Array(); $this->objectRefSize = 0; $this->offsets = Array(); $buff = substr($this->content,-32); $infos = unpack("x6/Coffset_size/Cobject_ref_size/x4/Nnumber_of_objects/x4/Ntop_object/x4/Ntable_offset",$buff); $coded_offset_table = substr($this->content,$infos['table_offset'],$infos['number_of_objects'] * $infos['offset_size']); if(strlen($coded_offset_table) != $infos['number_of_objects'] * $infos['offset_size']) throw IOException::readError(""); $this->countObjects = $infos['number_of_objects']; $formats = Array("","C*","n*",NULL,"N*"); if($infos['offset_size'] == 3) { $this->offsets = array(NULL); while($coded_offset_table) { $str = unpack("H6",$coded_offset_table); $this->offsets[] = hexdec($str[1]); $coded_offset_table = substr($coded_offset_table,3); } } else $this->offsets = unpack($formats[$infos['offset_size']],$coded_offset_table); $this->uniqueTable = Array(); $this->objectRefSize = $infos['object_ref_size']; $top = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($infos['top_object']+1); $this->add($top); } function readBinaryStream($stream) { $str = stream_get_contents($stream); $this->parseBinary($str); } function parseBinary($content=NULL) { if($content !== NULL) $this->content = $content; $this->pos = 0; $this->parseBinaryString(); } function readBinary($file) { if(!($fd = fopen($file,"rb"))) throw new IOException("Could not open file {$file}!"); $this->readBinaryStream($fd); fclose($fd); } public static function bytesSizeInt($int) { $nbytes = 0; if($int > 0xE) $nbytes += 2; if($int > 0xFF) $nbytes += 1; if($int > 0xFFFF) $nbytes += 2; return $nbytes; } public static function bytesInt($int) { $nbytes = 1; if($int > 0xFF) $nbytes += 1; if($int > 0xFFFF) $nbytes += 2; if($int > 0xFFFFFFFF) $nbytes += 4; if($int < 0) $nbytes += 7; return $nbytes + 1; } public static function packItWithSize($nbytes,$int) { $formats = Array("C", "n", "N", "N"); $format = $formats[$nbytes-1]; $ret = ''; if($nbytes == 3) return substr(pack($format, $int), -3); return pack($format, $int); } public static function bytesNeeded($count_objects) { $nbytes = 0; while($count_objects >= 1) { $nbytes++; $count_objects /= 256; } return $nbytes; } public static function intBytes($int) { $intbytes = ""; if($int > 0xFFFF) $intbytes = "\x12".pack("N", $int); elseif($int > 0xFF) $intbytes = "\x11".pack("n", $int); else $intbytes = "\x10".pack("C", $int); return $intbytes; } public static function typeBytes($type,$type_len) { $optional_int = ""; if($type_len < 15) $type .= sprintf("%x", $type_len); else { $type .= "f"; $optional_int = self::intBytes($type_len); } return pack("H*", $type).$optional_int; } protected function uniqueAndCountValues($value) { if($value instanceof CFNumber) { $val = $value->getValue(); if(intval($val) == $val && !is_float($val) && strpos($val,'.') === false) $this->intSize += self::bytesInt($val); else $this->miscSize += 9; $this->countObjects++; return; } elseif($value instanceof CFDate) { $this->miscSize += 9; $this->countObjects++; return; } elseif($value instanceof CFBoolean) { $this->countObjects++; $this->miscSize += 1; return; } elseif($value instanceof CFArray) { $cnt = 0; foreach($value as $v) { ++$cnt; $this->uniqueAndCountValues($v); $this->objectRefs++; } $this->countObjects++; $this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($cnt); $this->miscSize++; return; } elseif($value instanceof CFDictionary) { $cnt = 0; foreach($value as $k => $v) { ++$cnt; if(!isset($this->uniqueTable[$k])) { $this->uniqueTable[$k] = 0; $len = self::binaryStrlen($k); $this->stringSize += $len + 1; $this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt(self::charsetStrlen($k,'UTF-8')); } $this->objectRefs += 2; $this->uniqueTable[$k]++; $this->uniqueAndCountValues($v); } $this->countObjects++; $this->miscSize++; $this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($cnt); return; } elseif($value instanceOf CFData) { $val = $value->getValue(); $len = strlen($val); $this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($len); $this->miscSize += $len + 1; $this->countObjects++; return; } else $val = $value->getValue(); if(!isset($this->uniqueTable[$val])) { $this->uniqueTable[$val] = 0; $len = self::binaryStrlen($val); $this->stringSize += $len + 1; $this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt(self::charsetStrlen($val,'UTF-8')); } $this->uniqueTable[$val]++; } public function toBinary() { $this->uniqueTable = Array(); $this->countObjects = 0; $this->stringSize = 0; $this->intSize = 0; $this->miscSize = 0; $this->objectRefs = 0; $this->writtenObjectCount = 0; $this->objectTable = Array(); $this->objectRefSize = 0; $this->offsets = Array(); $binary_str = "bplist00"; $value = $this->getValue(true); $this->uniqueAndCountValues($value); $this->countObjects += count($this->uniqueTable); $this->objectRefSize = self::bytesNeeded($this->countObjects); $file_size = $this->stringSize + $this->intSize + $this->miscSize + $this->objectRefs * $this->objectRefSize + 40; $offset_size = self::bytesNeeded($file_size); $table_offset = $file_size - 32; $this->objectTable = Array(); $this->writtenObjectCount = 0; $this->uniqueTable = Array(); $value->toBinary($this); $object_offset = 8; $offsets = Array(); for($i=0;$iobjectTable);++$i) { $binary_str .= $this->objectTable[$i]; $offsets[$i] = $object_offset; $object_offset += strlen($this->objectTable[$i]); } for($i=0;$iobjectRefSize); $binary_str .= pack("x4N", $this->countObjects); $binary_str .= pack("x4N", 0); $binary_str .= pack("x4N", $table_offset); return $binary_str; } protected static function binaryStrlen($val) { for($i=0;$i= 128) { $val = self::convertCharset($val, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE'); return strlen($val); } } return strlen($val); } public function stringToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = -1; if(!isset($this->uniqueTable[$val])) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $this->uniqueTable[$val] = $saved_object_count; $utf16 = false; for($i=0;$i= 128) { $utf16 = true; break; } } if($utf16) { $bdata = self::typeBytes("6", mb_strlen($val,'UTF-8')); $val = self::convertCharset($val, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE'); $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val; } else { $bdata = self::typeBytes("5", strlen($val)); $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val; } } else $saved_object_count = $this->uniqueTable[$val]; return $saved_object_count; } protected function intToBinary($value) { $nbytes = 0; if($value > 0xFF) $nbytes = 1; if($value > 0xFFFF) $nbytes += 1; if($value > 0xFFFFFFFF) $nbytes += 1; if($value < 0) $nbytes = 3; $bdata = self::typeBytes("1", $nbytes); $buff = ""; if($nbytes < 3) { if($nbytes == 0) $fmt = "C"; elseif($nbytes == 1) $fmt = "n"; else $fmt = "N"; $buff = pack($fmt, $value); } else { if(PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) { $high_word = $value >> 32; $low_word = $value & 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { if($value < 0) $high_word = 0xFFFFFFFF; else $high_word = 0; $low_word = $value; } $buff = pack("N", $high_word).pack("N", $low_word); } return $bdata.$buff; } protected function realToBinary($val) { $bdata = self::typeBytes("2", 3); return $bdata.strrev(pack("d", (float)$val)); } public function numToBinary($value) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $val = ""; if(intval($value) == $value && !is_float($value) && strpos($value,'.') === false) $val = $this->intToBinary($value); else $val = $this->realToBinary($value); $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $val; return $saved_object_count; } public function dateToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $hour = gmdate("H",$val); $min = gmdate("i",$val); $sec = gmdate("s",$val); $mday = gmdate("j",$val); $mon = gmdate("n",$val); $year = gmdate("Y",$val); $val = gmmktime($hour,$min,$sec,$mon,$mday,$year) - CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX; $bdata = self::typeBytes("3", 3); $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.strrev(pack("d", $val)); return $saved_object_count; } public function boolToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $val ? "\x9" : "\x8"; return $saved_object_count; } public function dataToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $bdata = self::typeBytes("4", strlen($val)); $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val; return $saved_object_count; } public function arrayToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $bdata = self::typeBytes("a", count($val->getValue())); foreach($val as $v) { $bval = $v->toBinary($this); $bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $bval); } $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata; return $saved_object_count; } public function dictToBinary($val) { $saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++; $bdata = self::typeBytes("d", count($val->getValue())); foreach($val as $k => $v) { $str = new CFString($k); $key = $str->toBinary($this); $bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $key); } foreach($val as $k => $v) { $bval = $v->toBinary($this); $bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $bval); } $this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata; return $saved_object_count; } } ?>