"._("om_etat"); if(!isset($premier)) $premier=''; if(!isset($recherche1)) $recherche1=''; if(!isset($tricolsf)) $tricolsf=''; if(!isset($premiersf)) $premiersf=''; if(!isset($selection)) $selection=''; if(!isset($retourformulaire)) $retourformulaire=''; if (isset($idx) && $idx != ']' && trim($idx) != '') { $ent .= "-> ".$idx." "; } if (isset($idz) && trim($idz) != '') { $ent .= " ".strtoupper($idz)." "; } // FROM $table = DB_PREFIXE."om_etat LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIXE."om_collectivite ON om_etat.om_collectivite=om_collectivite.om_collectivite LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIXE."om_requete ON om_etat.om_sql=om_requete.om_requete "; // SELECT $champAffiche = array( 'om_etat.om_etat as "'._("om_etat").'"', 'om_etat.id as "'._("id").'"', 'om_etat.libelle as "'._("libelle").'"', "case om_etat.actif when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \""._("actif")."\"", 'om_etat.orientation as "'._("orientation").'"', 'om_etat.format as "'._("format").'"', 'om_etat.logo as "'._("logo").'"', 'om_etat.logoleft as "'._("logoleft").'"', 'om_etat.logotop as "'._("logotop").'"', 'om_etat.titreleft as "'._("titreleft").'"', 'om_etat.titretop as "'._("titretop").'"', 'om_etat.titrelargeur as "'._("titrelargeur").'"', 'om_etat.titrehauteur as "'._("titrehauteur").'"', 'om_etat.titrebordure as "'._("titrebordure").'"', 'om_requete.libelle as "'._("om_sql").'"', 'om_etat.se_font as "'._("se_font").'"', 'om_etat.se_couleurtexte as "'._("se_couleurtexte").'"', 'om_etat.margeleft as "'._("margeleft").'"', 'om_etat.margetop as "'._("margetop").'"', 'om_etat.margeright as "'._("margeright").'"', 'om_etat.margebottom as "'._("margebottom").'"', 'om_etat.header_offset as "'._("header_offset").'"', 'om_etat.footer_offset as "'._("footer_offset").'"', ); // if ($_SESSION['niveau'] == '2') { array_push($champAffiche, "om_collectivite.libelle as \""._("collectivite")."\""); } // $champNonAffiche = array( 'om_etat.om_collectivite as "'._("om_collectivite").'"', 'om_etat.titre_om_htmletat as "'._("titre_om_htmletat").'"', 'om_etat.corps_om_htmletatex as "'._("corps_om_htmletatex").'"', 'om_etat.header_om_htmletat as "'._("header_om_htmletat").'"', 'om_etat.footer_om_htmletat as "'._("footer_om_htmletat").'"', ); // $champRecherche = array( 'om_etat.om_etat as "'._("om_etat").'"', 'om_etat.id as "'._("id").'"', 'om_etat.libelle as "'._("libelle").'"', 'om_etat.orientation as "'._("orientation").'"', 'om_etat.format as "'._("format").'"', 'om_etat.logo as "'._("logo").'"', 'om_etat.logoleft as "'._("logoleft").'"', 'om_etat.logotop as "'._("logotop").'"', 'om_etat.titreleft as "'._("titreleft").'"', 'om_etat.titretop as "'._("titretop").'"', 'om_etat.titrelargeur as "'._("titrelargeur").'"', 'om_etat.titrehauteur as "'._("titrehauteur").'"', 'om_etat.titrebordure as "'._("titrebordure").'"', 'om_requete.libelle as "'._("om_sql").'"', 'om_etat.se_font as "'._("se_font").'"', 'om_etat.se_couleurtexte as "'._("se_couleurtexte").'"', 'om_etat.margeleft as "'._("margeleft").'"', 'om_etat.margetop as "'._("margetop").'"', 'om_etat.margeright as "'._("margeright").'"', 'om_etat.margebottom as "'._("margebottom").'"', 'om_etat.header_offset as "'._("header_offset").'"', 'om_etat.footer_offset as "'._("footer_offset").'"', ); // if ($_SESSION['niveau'] == '2') { array_push($champRecherche, "om_collectivite.libelle as \""._("collectivite")."\""); } $tri="ORDER BY om_etat.libelle ASC NULLS LAST"; $edition="om_etat"; /** * Gestion de la clause WHERE => $selection */ // Filtre listing standard if ($_SESSION["niveau"] == "2") { // Filtre MULTI $selection = ""; } else { // Filtre MONO $selection = " WHERE (om_etat.om_collectivite = '".$_SESSION["collectivite"]."') "; } // Liste des clés étrangères avec leurs éventuelles surcharges $foreign_keys_extended = array( "om_collectivite" => array("om_collectivite", ), "om_requete" => array("om_requete", ), ); // Filtre listing sous formulaire - om_collectivite if (in_array($retourformulaire, $foreign_keys_extended["om_collectivite"])) { if ($_SESSION["niveau"] == "2") { // Filtre MULTI $selection = " WHERE (om_etat.om_collectivite = '".$idx."') "; } else { // Filtre MONO $selection = " WHERE (om_etat.om_collectivite = '".$_SESSION["collectivite"]."') AND (om_etat.om_collectivite = '".$idx."') "; } } // Filtre listing sous formulaire - om_requete if (in_array($retourformulaire, $foreign_keys_extended["om_requete"])) { if ($_SESSION["niveau"] == "2") { // Filtre MULTI $selection = " WHERE (om_etat.om_sql = '".$idx."') "; } else { // Filtre MONO $selection = " WHERE (om_etat.om_collectivite = '".$_SESSION["collectivite"]."') AND (om_etat.om_sql = '".$idx."') "; } } /** * Gestion SOUSFORMULAIRE => $sousformulaire */ $sousformulaire = array( 'service', ); ?>