<?php //$Id$ //gen openMairie le 05/01/2021 11:06 $DEBUG=0; $serie=15; $ent = __("application")." -> ".__("pec_metier"); $om_validite = true; if(!isset($premier)) $premier=''; if(!isset($tricolsf)) $tricolsf=''; if(!isset($premiersf)) $premiersf=''; if(!isset($selection)) $selection=''; if(!isset($retourformulaire)) $retourformulaire=''; if (!isset($idxformulaire)) { $idxformulaire = ''; } if (!isset($tricol)) { $tricol = ''; } if (!isset($valide)) { $valide = ''; } // FROM $table = DB_PREFIXE."pec_metier"; // SELECT $champAffiche = array( 'pec_metier.pec_metier as "'.__("pec_metier").'"', 'pec_metier.code as "'.__("code").'"', 'pec_metier.libelle as "'.__("libelle").'"', 'to_char(pec_metier.om_validite_debut ,\'DD/MM/YYYY\') as "'.__("om_validite_debut").'"', 'to_char(pec_metier.om_validite_fin ,\'DD/MM/YYYY\') as "'.__("om_validite_fin").'"', ); // $champNonAffiche = array( 'pec_metier.description as "'.__("description").'"', ); // $champRecherche = array( 'pec_metier.pec_metier as "'.__("pec_metier").'"', 'pec_metier.code as "'.__("code").'"', 'pec_metier.libelle as "'.__("libelle").'"', ); $tri="ORDER BY pec_metier.libelle ASC NULLS LAST"; $edition="pec_metier"; /** * Gestion de la clause WHERE => $selection */ // Filtre listing standard $selection = " WHERE ((pec_metier.om_validite_debut IS NULL AND (pec_metier.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR pec_metier.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)) OR (pec_metier.om_validite_debut <= CURRENT_DATE AND (pec_metier.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR pec_metier.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)))"; $where_om_validite = " WHERE ((pec_metier.om_validite_debut IS NULL AND (pec_metier.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR pec_metier.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)) OR (pec_metier.om_validite_debut <= CURRENT_DATE AND (pec_metier.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR pec_metier.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)))"; // Gestion OMValidité - Suppression du filtre si paramètre if (isset($_GET["valide"]) and $_GET["valide"] == "false") { if (!isset($where_om_validite) or (isset($where_om_validite) and $where_om_validite == "")) { if (trim($selection) != "") { $selection = ""; } } else { $selection = trim(str_replace($where_om_validite, "", $selection)); } } /** * Gestion SOUSFORMULAIRE => $sousformulaire */ $sousformulaire = array( 'dossier', 'evenement', 'instruction', );