".__("cerfa"); $om_validite = true; if(!isset($premier)) $premier=''; if(!isset($tricolsf)) $tricolsf=''; if(!isset($premiersf)) $premiersf=''; if(!isset($selection)) $selection=''; if(!isset($retourformulaire)) $retourformulaire=''; if (!isset($idxformulaire)) { $idxformulaire = ''; } if (!isset($tricol)) { $tricol = ''; } if (!isset($valide)) { $valide = ''; } // FROM $table = DB_PREFIXE."cerfa"; // SELECT $champAffiche = array( 'cerfa.cerfa as "'.__("cerfa").'"', 'cerfa.libelle as "'.__("libelle").'"', 'cerfa.code as "'.__("code").'"', 'to_char(cerfa.om_validite_debut ,\'DD/MM/YYYY\') as "'.__("om_validite_debut").'"', 'to_char(cerfa.om_validite_fin ,\'DD/MM/YYYY\') as "'.__("om_validite_fin").'"', "case cerfa.am_lotiss when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lotiss")."\"", "case cerfa.am_autre_div when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_autre_div")."\"", "case cerfa.am_camping when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_camping")."\"", "case cerfa.am_caravane when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_caravane")."\"", "case cerfa.am_carav_duree when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_carav_duree")."\"", "case cerfa.am_statio when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_statio")."\"", "case cerfa.am_statio_cont when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_statio_cont")."\"", "case cerfa.am_affou_exhau when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_affou_exhau")."\"", "case cerfa.am_affou_exhau_sup when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_affou_exhau_sup")."\"", "case cerfa.am_affou_prof when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_affou_prof")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exhau_haut when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exhau_haut")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_abat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_abat")."\"", "case cerfa.am_prot_plu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_prot_plu")."\"", "case cerfa.am_prot_muni when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_prot_muni")."\"", "case cerfa.am_mobil_voyage when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_mobil_voyage")."\"", "case cerfa.am_aire_voyage when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_aire_voyage")."\"", "case cerfa.am_rememb_afu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_rememb_afu")."\"", "case cerfa.am_parc_resid_loi when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_parc_resid_loi")."\"", "case cerfa.am_sport_moto when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_sport_moto")."\"", "case cerfa.am_sport_attrac when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_sport_attrac")."\"", "case cerfa.am_sport_golf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_sport_golf")."\"", "case cerfa.am_mob_art when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_mob_art")."\"", "case cerfa.am_modif_voie_esp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_modif_voie_esp")."\"", "case cerfa.am_plant_voie_esp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_plant_voie_esp")."\"", "case cerfa.am_chem_ouv_esp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_chem_ouv_esp")."\"", "case cerfa.am_agri_peche when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_agri_peche")."\"", "case cerfa.am_crea_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_crea_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.am_modif_voie_exist when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_modif_voie_exist")."\"", "case cerfa.am_crea_esp_sauv when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_crea_esp_sauv")."\"", "case cerfa.am_crea_esp_class when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_crea_esp_class")."\"", "case cerfa.am_projet_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_projet_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.am_terr_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_terr_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.am_tranche_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_tranche_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_max_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_max_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_max_shon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_max_shon")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_cstr_cos when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_cstr_cos")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_cstr_plan when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_cstr_plan")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_cstr_vente when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_cstr_vente")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_fin_diff when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_fin_diff")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_consign when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_consign")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_gar_achev when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_gar_achev")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_vente_ant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_vente_ant")."\"", "case cerfa.am_empl_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_empl_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_tente_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_tente_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_carav_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_carav_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_mobil_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_mobil_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_pers_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_pers_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_empl_hll_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_empl_hll_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_hll_shon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_hll_shon")."\"", "case cerfa.am_periode_exploit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_periode_exploit")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exist_agrand when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exist_agrand")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exist_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exist_date")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exist_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exist_num")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exist_nb_avant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exist_nb_avant")."\"", "case cerfa.am_exist_nb_apres when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_exist_nb_apres")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_bois when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_bois")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_parc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_parc")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_align when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_align")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_ess when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_ess")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_age when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_age")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_dens when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_dens")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_qual when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_qual")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_trait when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_trait")."\"", "case cerfa.am_coupe_autr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_coupe_autr")."\"", "case cerfa.co_archi_recours when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_archi_recours")."\"", "case cerfa.co_cstr_nouv when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_cstr_nouv")."\"", "case cerfa.co_cstr_exist when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_cstr_exist")."\"", "case cerfa.co_cloture when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_cloture")."\"", "case cerfa.co_elec_tension when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_elec_tension")."\"", "case cerfa.co_div_terr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_div_terr")."\"", "case cerfa.co_projet_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_projet_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_pisc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_pisc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_gara when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_gara")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_veran when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_veran")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_abri when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_abri")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_autr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_autr")."\"", "case cerfa.co_anx_autr_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_anx_autr_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_tot_log_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_tot_log_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_tot_ind_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_tot_ind_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_tot_coll_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_tot_coll_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_mais_piece_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_mais_piece_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_mais_niv_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_mais_niv_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_lls_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_lls_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_aa_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_aa_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_ptz_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_ptz_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_autr_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_autr_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_autr_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_autr_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_mais_contrat_ind when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_mais_contrat_ind")."\"", "case cerfa.co_uti_pers when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_uti_pers")."\"", "case cerfa.co_uti_vente when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_uti_vente")."\"", "case cerfa.co_uti_loc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_uti_loc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_uti_princ when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_uti_princ")."\"", "case cerfa.co_uti_secon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_uti_secon")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_agees when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_agees")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_etud when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_etud")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_tourism when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_tourism")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_hot_soc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_hot_soc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_soc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_soc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_hand when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_hand")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_autr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_autr")."\"", "case cerfa.co_resid_autr_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_resid_autr_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_foyer_chamb_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_foyer_chamb_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_1p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_1p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_2p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_2p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_3p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_3p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_4p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_4p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_5p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_5p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_log_6p_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_log_6p_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_bat_niv_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_bat_niv_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_exten when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_exten")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_surelev when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_surelev")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_nivsup when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_nivsup")."\"", "case cerfa.co_demont_periode when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_demont_periode")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_transport when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_transport")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_enseign when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_enseign")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_act_soc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_act_soc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_ouvr_spe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_ouvr_spe")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_sante when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_sante")."\"", "case cerfa.co_sp_culture when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_sp_culture")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_avt_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_avt_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_apr_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_apr_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_adr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_adr")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_place_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_place_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_tot_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_tot_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_tot_shob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_tot_shob")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_comm_cin_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_comm_cin_surf")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_surface as "'.__("tab_surface").'"', "case cerfa.dm_constr_dates when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dm_constr_dates")."\"", "case cerfa.dm_total when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dm_total")."\"", "case cerfa.dm_partiel when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dm_partiel")."\"", "case cerfa.dm_projet_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dm_projet_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dm_tot_log_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dm_tot_log_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_tot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_tot")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_suppr_mod when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_suppr_mod")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_princ as "'.__("tab_tax_su_princ").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_heber as "'.__("tab_tax_su_heber").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_secon as "'.__("tab_tax_su_secon").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_tot as "'.__("tab_tax_su_tot").'"', "case cerfa.tax_ext_pret when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_ext_pret")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_ext_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_ext_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_tax_exist_cons when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_tax_exist_cons")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_log_exist_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_log_exist_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_trx_presc_ppr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_trx_presc_ppr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_monu_hist when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_monu_hist")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_comm_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_comm_nb")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_non_habit_surf as "'.__("tab_tax_su_non_habit_surf").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_am as "'.__("tab_tax_am").'"', "case cerfa.vsd_surf_planch_smd when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_surf_planch_smd")."\"", "case cerfa.vsd_unit_fonc_sup when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_unit_fonc_sup")."\"", "case cerfa.vsd_unit_fonc_constr_sup when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_unit_fonc_constr_sup")."\"", "case cerfa.vsd_val_terr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_val_terr")."\"", "case cerfa.vsd_const_sxist_non_dem_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_const_sxist_non_dem_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.vsd_rescr_fisc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("vsd_rescr_fisc")."\"", "case cerfa.pld_val_terr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("pld_val_terr")."\"", "case cerfa.pld_const_exist_dem when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("pld_const_exist_dem")."\"", "case cerfa.pld_const_exist_dem_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("pld_const_exist_dem_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.code_cnil when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("code_cnil")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_titul when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_titul")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_lot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_lot")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_zac when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_zac")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_afu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_afu")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_pup when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_pup")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_oin when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_oin")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_div_surf_etab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_div_surf_etab")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_div_surf_av_div when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_div_surf_av_div")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_date")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_tot_trav when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_tot_trav")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_tranche_trav when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_tranche_trav")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_tranche_trav_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_tranche_trav_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_indiv when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_indiv")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_coll when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_coll")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_lls when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_lls")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_aa when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_aa")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_ptz when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_ptz")."\"", "case cerfa.doc_nb_log_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("doc_nb_log_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_date")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_date_chgmt_dest when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_date_chgmt_dest")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_tot_trav when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_tot_trav")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_tranche_trav when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_tranche_trav")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_tranche_trav_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_tranche_trav_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_indiv when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_indiv")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_coll when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_coll")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_lls when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_lls")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_aa when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_aa")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_ptz when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_ptz")."\"", "case cerfa.daact_nb_log_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("daact_nb_log_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.am_div_mun when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_div_mun")."\"", "case cerfa.co_perf_energ when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_perf_energ")."\"", "case cerfa.architecte when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("architecte")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_avt_shob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_avt_shob")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_apr_shob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_apr_shob")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_avt_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_avt_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.co_statio_apr_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_statio_apr_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_amgt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_amgt")."\"", "case cerfa.co_modif_aspect when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_modif_aspect")."\"", "case cerfa.co_modif_struct when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_modif_struct")."\"", "case cerfa.co_ouvr_elec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_ouvr_elec")."\"", "case cerfa.co_ouvr_infra when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_ouvr_infra")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_imm when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_imm")."\"", "case cerfa.co_cstr_shob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_cstr_shob")."\"", "case cerfa.am_voyage_deb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_voyage_deb")."\"", "case cerfa.am_voyage_fin when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_voyage_fin")."\"", "case cerfa.am_modif_amgt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_modif_amgt")."\"", "case cerfa.am_lot_max_shob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_lot_max_shob")."\"", "case cerfa.mod_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mod_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.tr_total when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tr_total")."\"", "case cerfa.tr_partiel when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tr_partiel")."\"", "case cerfa.tr_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tr_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_co_elt_pro when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_co_elt_pro")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_nouv_haut_surf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_nouv_haut_surf")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_co_clot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_co_clot")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_aut_coup_aba_arb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_aut_coup_aba_arb")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_ouv_infra when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_ouv_infra")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_aut_inst_mob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_aut_inst_mob")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_aut_plant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_aut_plant")."\"", "case cerfa.avap_aut_auv_elec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("avap_aut_auv_elec")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_dest_loc_tr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_dest_loc_tr")."\"", "case cerfa.ope_proj_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ope_proj_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_tot_cstr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_tot_cstr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_loc_stat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_loc_stat")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_log_ap_trvx_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_log_ap_trvx_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_am_statio_ext_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_am_statio_ext_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_sup_bass_pisc_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_sup_bass_pisc_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_empl_ten_carav_mobil_nb_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_empl_ten_carav_mobil_nb_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_empl_hll_nb_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_empl_hll_nb_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_eol_haut_nb_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_eol_haut_nb_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_pann_volt_sup_cr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_pann_volt_sup_cr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_loc_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_loc_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_pisc_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_pisc_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_am_statio_ext_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_am_statio_ext_arch")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_parc_statio_expl_comm as "'.__("tab_tax_su_parc_statio_expl_comm").'"', "case cerfa.tax_empl_ten_carav_mobil_nb_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_empl_ten_carav_mobil_nb_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_empl_hll_nb_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_empl_hll_nb_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_eol_haut_nb_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_eol_haut_nb_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.ope_proj_div_co when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ope_proj_div_co")."\"", "case cerfa.ope_proj_div_contr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ope_proj_div_contr")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_cstr_neuve when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_cstr_neuve")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_trvx_acc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_trvx_acc")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_extension when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_extension")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_rehab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_rehab")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_trvx_am when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_trvx_am")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_vol_nouv_exist when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_vol_nouv_exist")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_erp_eff as "'.__("tab_erp_eff").'"', "case cerfa.erp_class_cat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_class_cat")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_class_type when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_class_type")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_abr_jard_pig_colom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_abr_jard_pig_colom")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_su_non_habit_abr_jard_pig_colom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_su_non_habit_abr_jard_pig_colom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_imm_non_bati when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_imm_non_bati")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_imm_bati_terr_propr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_imm_bati_terr_propr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_imm_bati_terr_autr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_imm_bati_terr_autr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_imm_bati_terr_autr_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_imm_bati_terr_autr_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_bat_copro when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_bat_copro")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_bat_copro_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_bat_copro_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_bat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_bat")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_etage when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_etage")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_quote_part when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_quote_part")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_hab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_hab")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_pro when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_pro")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_mixte when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_mixte")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_comm when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_comm")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_agr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_agr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_us_autre_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_us_autre_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_prop when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_prop")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_loc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_loc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sans_occ when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sans_occ")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_autre_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_autre_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_mob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_mob")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_cheptel when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_cheptel")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_recol when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_recol")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi_ttc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi_ttc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi_ht when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi_ht")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_nom_prenom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_nom_prenom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_num_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_num_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_ext when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_ext")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_type_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_type_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_nom_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_nom_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_lieu_dit_bp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_lieu_dit_bp")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_cp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_cp")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_adr_localite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_adr_localite")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_observation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_observation")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_surface2 as "'.__("tab_surface2").'"', "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_terre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_terre")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_pres when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_pres")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_verger when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_verger")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_vigne when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_vigne")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_bois when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_bois")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_lande when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_lande")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_carriere when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_carriere")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_eau_cadastree when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_eau_cadastree")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_jardin when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_jardin")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_terr_batir when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_terr_batir")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_terr_agr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_terr_agr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_occ_sol_su_sol when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_occ_sol_su_sol")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_bati_vend_tot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_bati_vend_tot")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_bati_vend_tot_txt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_bati_vend_tot_txt")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_su_co_sol when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_su_co_sol")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_su_util_hab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_su_util_hab")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_nb_niv when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_nb_niv")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_nb_appart when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_nb_appart")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_nb_autre_loc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_nb_autre_loc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_vente_lot_volume when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_vente_lot_volume")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_vente_lot_volume_txt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_vente_lot_volume_txt")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_nat_su when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_nat_su")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_bat_achv_plus_10 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_bat_achv_plus_10")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_bat_achv_moins_10 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_bat_achv_moins_10")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_regl_copro_publ_hypo_plus_10 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_regl_copro_publ_hypo_plus_10")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_lot_regl_copro_publ_hypo_moins_10 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_lot_regl_copro_publ_hypo_moins_10")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_indivi_quote_part when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_indivi_quote_part")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_design_societe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_design_societe")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_design_droit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_design_droit")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_soc_nat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_soc_nat")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_soc_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_soc_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_soc_num_part when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_soc_num_part")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_oui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_oui")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_non when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_non")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_reel_perso_nat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_reel_perso_nat")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_reel_perso_viag when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_reel_perso_viag")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_sign_act_auth when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_sign_act_auth")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_terme when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_terme")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_terme_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_terme_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_bene_acquereur when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_bene_acquereur")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_bene_vendeur when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_bene_vendeur")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_paie_nat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_paie_nat")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_design_contr_alien when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_design_contr_alien")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_eval_contr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_eval_contr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_rente_viag when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_rente_viag")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_an when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_an")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_compt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_compt")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_bene_rente when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_bene_rente")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_droit_usa_hab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_droit_usa_hab")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_droit_usa_hab_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_droit_usa_hab_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_eval_usa_usufruit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_eval_usa_usufruit")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_vente_nue_prop when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_vente_nue_prop")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_vente_nue_prop_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_vente_nue_prop_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_echange when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_echange")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_design_bien_recus_ech when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_design_bien_recus_ech")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_soulte when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_soulte")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prop_contre_echan when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prop_contre_echan")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_apport_societe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_apport_societe")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_bene when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_bene")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_esti_bien when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_esti_bien")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_cess_terr_loc_co when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_cess_terr_loc_co")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_esti_terr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_esti_terr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_esti_loc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_esti_loc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_esti_imm_loca when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_esti_imm_loca")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_vol when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_vol")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_obl when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_obl")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_fin_indivi when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_fin_indivi")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_date_lieu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_date_lieu")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_mise_prix when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_mise_prix")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_prop_titu_prix_indique when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_prop_titu_prix_indique")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_prop_recherche_acqu_prix_indique when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_prop_recherche_acqu_prix_indique")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_acquereur_prof when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_acquereur_prof")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_indic_compl_ope when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_indic_compl_ope")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_vente_adju when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_vente_adju")."\"", "case cerfa.am_terr_res_demon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_terr_res_demon")."\"", "case cerfa.am_air_terr_res_mob when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("am_air_terr_res_mob")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_objet_recours when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_objet_recours")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_moyen_souleve when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_moyen_souleve")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_moyen_retenu_juge when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_moyen_retenu_juge")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_reference_sagace when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_reference_sagace")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_nature_travaux_infra_om_html when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_nature_travaux_infra_om_html")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_synthese_nti when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_synthese_nti")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_article_non_resp_om_html when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_article_non_resp_om_html")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_synthese_anr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_synthese_anr")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_reference_parquet when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_reference_parquet")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_element_taxation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_element_taxation")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_infraction when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_infraction")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_regularisable when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_regularisable")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_reference_courrier when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_reference_courrier")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_date_audience when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_date_audience")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_date_ajournement when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_date_ajournement")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_1")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_2")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_3")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_4")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_5")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_6")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_7")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_8 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_8")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_facul_9 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_facul_9")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_1")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_2")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_3")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_4")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_5")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_6")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_7")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_8 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_8")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_ta_9 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_ta_9")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_1")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_2")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_3")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_4")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_5")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_6")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_7")."\"", "case cerfa.exo_rap_8 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("exo_rap_8")."\"", "case cerfa.mtn_exo_ta_part_commu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mtn_exo_ta_part_commu")."\"", "case cerfa.mtn_exo_ta_part_depart when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mtn_exo_ta_part_depart")."\"", "case cerfa.mtn_exo_ta_part_reg when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mtn_exo_ta_part_reg")."\"", "case cerfa.mtn_exo_rap when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mtn_exo_rap")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_type when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_type")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desc_actv_ex when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desc_actv_ex")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desc_ca when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desc_ca")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desc_aut_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desc_aut_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desig_comm_arti when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desig_comm_arti")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desig_loc_hab when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desig_loc_hab")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desig_loc_ann when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desig_loc_ann")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_desig_loc_ann_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_desig_loc_ann_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_bail_comm_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_bail_comm_date")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_bail_comm_loyer when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_bail_comm_loyer")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_actv_acqu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_actv_acqu")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_nb_sala_di when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_nb_sala_di")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_nb_sala_dd when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_nb_sala_dd")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_nb_sala_tc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_nb_sala_tc")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_nb_sala_tp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_nb_sala_tp")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_vente_am when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_vente_am")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_adj when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_adj")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_prix when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_prix")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_adj_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_adj_date")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_adj_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_adj_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_comp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_comp")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_terme when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_terme")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_terme_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_terme_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_desig_alien when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_desig_alien")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_desig_alien_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_desig_alien_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_eval when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_eval")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_eval_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_nat_eval_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_aut when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_aut")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_moda_cess_paie_aut_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_moda_cess_paie_aut_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_ss_signe_demande_acqu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_ss_signe_demande_acqu")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_ss_signe_recher_trouv_acqu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_ss_signe_recher_trouv_acqu")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_notif_adr_prop when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_notif_adr_prop")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_notif_adr_manda when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_notif_adr_manda")."\"", "case cerfa.dpc_obs when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dpc_obs")."\"", "case cerfa.co_peri_site_patri_remar when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_peri_site_patri_remar")."\"", "case cerfa.co_abo_monu_hist when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_abo_monu_hist")."\"", "case cerfa.co_inst_ouvr_trav_act_code_envir when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_inst_ouvr_trav_act_code_envir")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trav_auto_env when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trav_auto_env")."\"", "case cerfa.co_derog_esp_prot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_derog_esp_prot")."\"", "case cerfa.ctx_reference_dsj when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ctx_reference_dsj")."\"", "case cerfa.co_piscine when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_piscine")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_lls when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_lls")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_aa when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_aa")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_ptz when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_ptz")."\"", "case cerfa.co_fin_autr when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_fin_autr")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_ss_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_ss_date")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_ss_lieu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_ss_lieu")."\"", "case cerfa.enga_decla_lieu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("enga_decla_lieu")."\"", "case cerfa.enga_decla_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("enga_decla_date")."\"", "case cerfa.co_archi_attest_honneur when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_archi_attest_honneur")."\"", "case cerfa.co_bat_niv_dessous_nb when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_bat_niv_dessous_nb")."\"", "case cerfa.co_install_classe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_install_classe")."\"", "case cerfa.co_derog_innov when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_derog_innov")."\"", "case cerfa.co_avis_abf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_avis_abf")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_tot_demo when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_tot_demo")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_surf_tax_demo when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_surf_tax_demo")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_terrassement_arch when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_terrassement_arch")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_lieudit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_lieudit")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_localite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_localite")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_cp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_cp")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_bp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_bp")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_cedex when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_cedex")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_pays when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_pays")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_adresse_future_division when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_adresse_future_division")."\"", "case cerfa.co_bat_projete when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_bat_projete")."\"", "case cerfa.co_bat_existant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_bat_existant")."\"", "case cerfa.co_bat_nature when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_bat_nature")."\"", "case cerfa.terr_juri_titul_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("terr_juri_titul_date")."\"", "case cerfa.co_autre_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_autre_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trx_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trx_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.co_autre when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_autre")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_modif_facades when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_modif_facades")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_trvx_adap when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_trvx_adap")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_trvx_adap_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_trvx_adap_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_trvx_adap_valid when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_trvx_adap_valid")."\"", "case cerfa.erp_prod_dangereux when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("erp_prod_dangereux")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trav_supp_dessus when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trav_supp_dessus")."\"", "case cerfa.co_trav_supp_dessous when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("co_trav_supp_dessous")."\"", "case cerfa.tax_su_habit_abr_jard_pig_colom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("tax_su_habit_abr_jard_pig_colom")."\"", "case cerfa.enga_decla_donnees_nomi_comm when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("enga_decla_donnees_nomi_comm")."\"", "case cerfa.x1l_legislation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1l_legislation")."\"", "case cerfa.x1p_precisions when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1p_precisions")."\"", "case cerfa.x1u_raccordement when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1u_raccordement")."\"", "case cerfa.x2m_inscritmh when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x2m_inscritmh")."\"", "case cerfa.s1na1_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1na1_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.s1va1_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1va1_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.s1wa1_lieudit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1wa1_lieudit")."\"", "case cerfa.s1la1_localite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1la1_localite")."\"", "case cerfa.s1pa1_codepostal when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1pa1_codepostal")."\"", "case cerfa.s1na2_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1na2_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.s1va2_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1va2_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.s1wa2_lieudit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1wa2_lieudit")."\"", "case cerfa.s1la2_localite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1la2_localite")."\"", "case cerfa.s1pa2_codepostal when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("s1pa2_codepostal")."\"", "case cerfa.e3c_certification when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("e3c_certification")."\"", "case cerfa.e3a_competence when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("e3a_competence")."\"", "case cerfa.a4d_description when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("a4d_description")."\"", "case cerfa.m2b_abf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("m2b_abf")."\"", "case cerfa.m2j_pn when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("m2j_pn")."\"", "case cerfa.m2r_cdac when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("m2r_cdac")."\"", "case cerfa.m2r_cnac when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("m2r_cnac")."\"", "case cerfa.u3a_voirieoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3a_voirieoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u3f_voirienon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3f_voirienon")."\"", "case cerfa.u3c_eauoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3c_eauoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u3h_eaunon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3h_eaunon")."\"", "case cerfa.u3g_assainissementoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3g_assainissementoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u3n_assainissementnon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3n_assainissementnon")."\"", "case cerfa.u3m_electriciteoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3m_electriciteoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u3b_electricitenon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3b_electricitenon")."\"", "case cerfa.u3t_observations when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u3t_observations")."\"", "case cerfa.u1a_voirieoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1a_voirieoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u1v_voirienon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1v_voirienon")."\"", "case cerfa.u1q_voirieconcessionnaire when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1q_voirieconcessionnaire")."\"", "case cerfa.u1b_voirieavant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1b_voirieavant")."\"", "case cerfa.u1j_eauoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1j_eauoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u1t_eaunon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1t_eaunon")."\"", "case cerfa.u1e_eauconcessionnaire when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1e_eauconcessionnaire")."\"", "case cerfa.u1k_eauavant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1k_eauavant")."\"", "case cerfa.u1s_assainissementoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1s_assainissementoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u1d_assainissementnon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1d_assainissementnon")."\"", "case cerfa.u1l_assainissementconcessionnaire when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1l_assainissementconcessionnaire")."\"", "case cerfa.u1r_assainissementavant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1r_assainissementavant")."\"", "case cerfa.u1c_electriciteoui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1c_electriciteoui")."\"", "case cerfa.u1u_electricitenon when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1u_electricitenon")."\"", "case cerfa.u1m_electriciteconcessionnaire when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1m_electriciteconcessionnaire")."\"", "case cerfa.u1f_electriciteavant when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u1f_electriciteavant")."\"", "case cerfa.u2a_observations when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("u2a_observations")."\"", "case cerfa.f1ts4_surftaxestation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("f1ts4_surftaxestation")."\"", "case cerfa.f1ut1_surfcree when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("f1ut1_surfcree")."\"", "case cerfa.f9d_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("f9d_date")."\"", "case cerfa.f9n_nom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("f9n_nom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_droit_reel_perso_grevant_bien_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_paie_nat_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_paie_nat_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_rente_viag_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_rente_viag_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_echange_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_echange_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_apport_societe_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_apport_societe_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_cess_terr_loc_co_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_cess_terr_loc_co_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_esti_imm_loca_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_esti_imm_loca_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_obl_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_obl_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_adju_fin_indivi_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_adju_fin_indivi_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_cadre_titul_droit_prempt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_cadre_titul_droit_prempt")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mairie_prix_moyen when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mairie_prix_moyen")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_propri_indivi when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_propri_indivi")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_situa_bien_plan_cadas_oui when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_situa_bien_plan_cadas_oui")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_situa_bien_plan_cadas_non when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_situa_bien_plan_cadas_non")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_prop when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_prop")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_prop_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_prop_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_manda when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_manda")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_manda_desc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_notif_dec_titul_adr_manda_desc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_dia_dpu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_dia_dpu")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_dia_zad when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_dia_zad")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_dia_zone_preempt_esp_natu_sensi when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_dia_zone_preempt_esp_natu_sensi")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_dab_dpu when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_dab_dpu")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_dab_zad when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_dab_zad")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt_ttc when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt_ttc")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt_ht when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_commi_mnt_ht")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_mob_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_mob_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_cheptel_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_cheptel_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_recol_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_recol_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_autre_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_prix_vente_autre_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_su_co_sol_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_su_co_sol_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_su_util_hab_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_su_util_hab_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_an_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_an_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_compt_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_compt_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_mod_cess_mnt_soulte_num when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_mod_cess_mnt_soulte_num")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_comp_prix_vente when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_comp_prix_vente")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_comp_surface when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_comp_surface")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_comp_total_frais when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_comp_total_frais")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_comp_mtn_total when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_comp_mtn_total")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_comp_valeur_m2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_comp_valeur_m2")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_esti_prix_france_dom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_esti_prix_france_dom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_prop_collectivite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_prop_collectivite")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_denomination when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_denomination")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_raison_sociale when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_raison_sociale")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_siret when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_siret")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_categorie_juridique when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_categorie_juridique")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_representant_nom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_representant_nom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_representant_prenom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_representant_prenom")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_numero when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_numero")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_voie when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_voie")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_complement when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_complement")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_lieu_dit when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_lieu_dit")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_localite when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_localite")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_code_postal when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_code_postal")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_bp when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_bp")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_cedex when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_cedex")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_adresse_pays when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_adresse_pays")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_telephone_fixe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_telephone_fixe")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_telephone_mobile when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_telephone_mobile")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_telephone_mobile_indicatif when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_telephone_mobile_indicatif")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_courriel when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_courriel")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_delegataire_fax when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_delegataire_fax")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_entree_jouissance_type when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_entree_jouissance_type")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_entree_jouissance_date when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_entree_jouissance_date")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_entree_jouissance_date_effet when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_entree_jouissance_date_effet")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_entree_jouissance_com when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_entree_jouissance_com")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_remise_bien_date_effet when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_remise_bien_date_effet")."\"", "case cerfa.dia_remise_bien_com when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("dia_remise_bien_com")."\"", "case cerfa.c2zp1_crete when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("c2zp1_crete")."\"", "case cerfa.c2zr1_destination when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("c2zr1_destination")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_design_appel_denom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_design_appel_denom")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_design_type_protect when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_design_type_protect")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_design_elem_prot when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_design_elem_prot")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_design_ref_merimee_palissy when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_design_ref_merimee_palissy")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_design_nature_prop when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_design_nature_prop")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_loc_denom when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_loc_denom")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_pres_intitule when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_pres_intitule")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_1")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_2")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_3")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_4")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_5")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_6")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_7")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_8 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_8")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_9 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_9")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_10 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_10")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_11 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_11")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_12 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_12")."\"", "case cerfa.mh_trav_cat_12_prec when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("mh_trav_cat_12_prec")."\"", "case cerfa.x2c_classe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x2c_classe")."\"", "case cerfa.bi1da1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("bi1da1")."\"", "case cerfa.bi1da2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("bi1da2")."\"", "case cerfa.ci2na1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci2na1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci2na2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci2na2")."\"", "case cerfa.ci2na3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci2na3")."\"", "case cerfa.ci6ra when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci6ra")."\"", 'cerfa.tab_dia_lot as "'.__("tab_dia_lot").'"', "case cerfa.ci6ba1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci6ba1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci6ba2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci6ba2")."\"", "case cerfa.ci7la1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci7la1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci7la2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci7la2")."\"", "case cerfa.ci8c when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci8c")."\"", "case cerfa.ci8t when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci8t")."\"", "case cerfa.ci8ma1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci8ma1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci8ma2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci8ma2")."\"", "case cerfa.di2oa6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("di2oa6")."\"", "case cerfa.di2oa7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("di2oa7")."\"", "case cerfa.ei1ra1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ei1ra1")."\"", "case cerfa.ei1ra2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ei1ra2")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1c when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1c")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1va1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1va1")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1va2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1va2")."\"", "case cerfa.fi3me1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi3me1")."\"", "case cerfa.fi4d when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi4d")."\"", "case cerfa.fi4l when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi4l")."\"", "case cerfa.fi5da1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi5da1")."\"", "case cerfa.fi5da2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi5da2")."\"", "case cerfa.gi2pa1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi2pa1")."\"", "case cerfa.gi2pa2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi2pa2")."\"", "case cerfa.gi3ma1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi3ma1")."\"", "case cerfa.gi3ma2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi3ma2")."\"", "case cerfa.gi3ma3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi3ma3")."\"", "case cerfa.gi3ma4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi3ma4")."\"", "case cerfa.gi3ma5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi3ma5")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4aa1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4aa1")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4aa2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4aa2")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4aa6 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4aa6")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4aa7 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4aa7")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4ab2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4ab2")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4aa9 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4aa9")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4ab3 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4ab3")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4ab4 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4ab4")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4ab5 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4ab5")."\"", "case cerfa.gi4am1_gi4am2 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("gi4am1_gi4am2")."\"", "case cerfa.ci4na1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci4na1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci4aa1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci4aa1")."\"", "case cerfa.ci4la1 when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("ci4la1")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1t when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1t")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1d when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1d")."\"", "case cerfa.fi1e when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("fi1e")."\"", "case cerfa.x1t0_eau when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1t0_eau")."\"", "case cerfa.x1e0_environnement when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1e0_environnement")."\"", "case cerfa.x1d0_derogation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1d0_derogation")."\"", "case cerfa.x1c0_classe when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1c0_classe")."\"", "case cerfa.x1a0_abf when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1a0_abf")."\"", "case cerfa.x1l0_legislation when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1l0_legislation")."\"", "case cerfa.x1u0_raccordement when 't' then 'Oui' else 'Non' end as \"".__("x1u0_raccordement")."\"", ); // $champNonAffiche = array( ); // $champRecherche = array( 'cerfa.cerfa as "'.__("cerfa").'"', 'cerfa.libelle as "'.__("libelle").'"', 'cerfa.code as "'.__("code").'"', 'cerfa.tab_surface as "'.__("tab_surface").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_princ as "'.__("tab_tax_su_princ").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_heber as "'.__("tab_tax_su_heber").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_secon as "'.__("tab_tax_su_secon").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_tot as "'.__("tab_tax_su_tot").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_non_habit_surf as "'.__("tab_tax_su_non_habit_surf").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_am as "'.__("tab_tax_am").'"', 'cerfa.tab_tax_su_parc_statio_expl_comm as "'.__("tab_tax_su_parc_statio_expl_comm").'"', 'cerfa.tab_erp_eff as "'.__("tab_erp_eff").'"', 'cerfa.tab_surface2 as "'.__("tab_surface2").'"', 'cerfa.tab_dia_lot as "'.__("tab_dia_lot").'"', ); $tri="ORDER BY cerfa.libelle ASC NULLS LAST"; $edition="cerfa"; /** * Gestion de la clause WHERE => $selection */ // Filtre listing standard $selection = " WHERE ((cerfa.om_validite_debut IS NULL AND (cerfa.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR cerfa.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)) OR (cerfa.om_validite_debut <= CURRENT_DATE AND (cerfa.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR cerfa.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)))"; $where_om_validite = " WHERE ((cerfa.om_validite_debut IS NULL AND (cerfa.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR cerfa.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)) OR (cerfa.om_validite_debut <= CURRENT_DATE AND (cerfa.om_validite_fin IS NULL OR cerfa.om_validite_fin > CURRENT_DATE)))"; // Gestion OMValidité - Suppression du filtre si paramètre if (isset($_GET["valide"]) and $_GET["valide"] == "false") { if (!isset($where_om_validite) or (isset($where_om_validite) and $where_om_validite == "")) { if (trim($selection) != "") { $selection = ""; } } else { $selection = trim(str_replace($where_om_validite, "", $selection)); } } /** * Gestion SOUSFORMULAIRE => $sousformulaire */ $sousformulaire = array( 'dossier_autorisation_type_detaille', );